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Atom in Chemistry

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Tell us what you felt about this module

Tell us what you felt about this module

Please fill out this survey on your computer now. You should fill it out, one at a time, either by yourself or with  your computer buddy. Think about the CLIx module you just finished when responding to the survey. When you read each statement, you must decide how much you agree or disagree with it based on your experience of doing this CLIx module. The statements are written to apply to both genders. You should read each statement carefully, and read it as appropriate for your gender. There are no right or wrong answers, and your responses will not be seen by anyone from the school.

There are different kinds of statements on the survey. Some statements say how you feel about things, and you must decide how true that is for you. For example, one statement says, “It was boring to do this module.” If you were very very bored while doing the module, mark a number 5. This means you strongly agree with that statement. If you were NOT bored at all when you did the module, mark a number 1. This means that you strongly disagree with the statement. If your feelings are somewhere between “it was boring” and “it was not boring,” mark the number closest to how you feel. For example, if you thought the module was boring, but not the most boring thing you have ever done, mark a 4, or even a 3. This means that you agree with the statement (it was boring) but not too strongly.

Some statements say something is good and give a reason why it is good.  You should decide if you agree with both parts of the statement. You must agree strongly with both parts of the statement to mark a 5. For example, one statement says, “The module is important because it can help me to learn the subject.” If you think the module is really a good thing and it helps you to learn the subject, mark a 5. If you think the module is good but feel less strong about how helpful it is, mark a 4. If you think the module is good, but only because it allowed you to go to the computer lab, mark a 1 or a 2. This means you disagree with the reason why the module is important.

Other statements ask you to think about things you did. For example, one statement says, “In the module, my classmates and I worked together to complete the tasks.” For this statement, numbers between 1 and 5 refer to how well you worked with your classmates. If you and your classmates discussed module tasks, talked about your answers, and gave feedback to each other, mark a 5. This means you strongly agree with the statement saying you worked together. If you and your classmates shared a computer but did not talk about the tasks or your answers, mark a 1. This means you strongly disagree with the statement because you did not work together when doing module activities.

Now that you have experienced the activities in this CLIx module, tell us how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements (Q.8 to Q.27). Please think only about the module you just completed when marking your answers.

[Contributed by administrator on 10. Januar 2018 21:13:37]