clix - Lesson 7: How to Figure Out Change in Velocity
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Change in speed: Running Race Activity

Collate data of the running race activity and calculate the average speed of the runner.This will give you an insight whether the speed of runner is uniform or non-uniform throughout the race and if there is any variation of speed through the various segments. 


Hope all of you have looked at your data. Now let us reflect on the following questions before moving ahead.

Did you take the same time to run each segment?

Was your run uniform or non-uniform?

Table 7.3 (a): Time Taken

Username of the participant

Time taken (sec) for

Segment 1

(0-10 meter)

Time taken (sec) for

Segment 2
(10-20 meter)

Time taken
(sec) for

Segment 3

(20-30 meter)

Time taken
(sec) for

Segment 4

(30-40 meter)






Note: You may also choose a track of different length and change the table accordingly.


Table 7.3 (b): Average Speed


Username of the participant

Average Speed
for Segment 1

Average Speed
for Segment 2

Average Speed
for Segment 3

Average Speed
for Segment 4







You can use the following equation to calculate the average speed,
                                                   \(\Delta V = {d_1 - d_0 \over t_1 -t_0}\)   


Do not forget to write the unit of speed.




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