clix - Lesson 2: Riddles of Motion
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In motion or not in motion?


Image 2.1: Riddle 1

We know that the earth moves on its axis and it also moves around the sun – this implies our houses, the trees around us, even the bicycle when we are not riding it - are all in motion all the time. But we say that trees stand still, our house is in the same place day and night and the scooter or bicycle on the road are moving.


Isn't it mind boggling! We shall try to unravel this mystery here.
When we describe any motion on earth, we don’t consider the motion of the earth, even though we know that it rotates around its axis and revolves around the sun.

We assume that the land is stationary, and trees, mountains etc. are also stationary because they do not change their position with respect to the earth. So, the stationary land becomes our reference to describe any motion on earth.
To be more precise, we consider any kind of landmark, such as milestones, poles alongside the road etc. that has a fixed position with respect to the earth, to indicate the distance the distance we have travelled. 
It helps us to say that we have travelled 2 kilometers from home, or we are 200 meters away from railway station. 



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