Announcement from a loudspeaker : Attention! People of Chotapur! The government has announced 2000 new electricity connections and meters for our town under the Rural Electrification Scheme. Application forms are available at the Gram Panchayat office. Last date for submitting applications is 31st December. Hurry! Apply now! Sahir: I must tell father about this announcement. We've bought a machine to clean paddy and it works on electricity. It will be good to get a new meter for it. Kanasu: Good idea! Zo: Electricity is such a wonderful thing isn't it? When I grow up, I'm going to be an engineer and work with machines! Sahir: I'm going to be a geologist! Kanasu: We know this already, Sahir! When I grow up, I'm going to be a Science teacher! Zo: Ah-ha! Is that because of our new science teacher? Kanasu: Oof! Walk fast or we will be late. (The school with the sound of chatter of students, a short bell rings) Sahir: There's the short bell. We have ten minutes before assembly starts! Zo: Let's go and see the notice board. May be there is something new put up. (They walk towards the noticeboard - Kanasu and Zo are up close to the noticeboard and Sahir is a little behind them) Zo: Look at this announcement! We're going to have a science fair in Chotapur! Kanasu: (reading the announcement) SCIENCE FAIR at Chotapur High School! Come celebrate National Science Month! All bright boys and girls! Put on your thinking caps! Display your PROJECTS, MODELS AND CHARTS On THE WORLD AROUND US Show one and all, that we at Chotapur High School are MAD ABOUT SCIENCE!!! WIN EXCITING PRIZES!!! The best project will be selected to participate in the District Science Fair! Special Scholarships for Girls! For details, please contact Mr. Fela, science teacher. Sahir: Does the announcement say anything about how to participate? Kanasu: Zo: We should go ask Fela Sir about this. (School bell rings - two long rings) Kanasu: Assembly! Sahir/Zo: Let's go! (Students murmur, a short bell and then silence) Principal: Good morning students! Please pay attention. I have some important announcements to make. There is a change in the date for the Parent-Teacher Meeting. We will hold it on the first Friday of next month and not this month. Please inform your parents. (students murmur) Principal: The last date to apply for the education scholarship is tomorrow. Applications will not be accepted after this. (students murmur - slightly louder) Principal: And lastly, Phani from class 6 has been selected to participate in a quiz in Badapur. (students clap... fade)