Setting: Zo's house. Zo is at the door with his Grandmother. Zo's Grandma: Aaaaah (in pain). My knees are hurting so much. Zo, can you go to the bank and deposit this money? Here is 2000 rupees in notes of 500. Zo: Sure, Grandma. Grandma: Yes. Here is the money, and here is the deposit slip. Zo: Thank you. I'll see you soon. Grandma: (calling out as Zo leaves) Be careful with the money! Zo: I will. (returning the call from far) (sound of gate shutting and cycling) (cycling sound stops gradually) (ambience of a bank) Zo: Oh! The bank is crowded. Anyway, let me get into the queue. (small pause) Oh no! Where is it? I can't find it. Old man: What happened, young man? You look worried. Zo: I can't find my money and the deposit slip. Old man: Have you checked all your pockets? Zo: I have! And I can't find it! I must have dropped it. Old man: Don't worry, you will find it. Keep searching. Perhaps it is in your bag? Zo: No, I put it in my pocket. And it isn't there! There's a hole in it! My grandmother worked hard for many months to save this money. And it is gone! I can't find it anywhere. What shall I do now? Old man: Look again, you might find it. Zo: Maybe I dropped it on the way. I'll go back and search. (sound of cycle being wheeled) Kanasu: Zo! Zo! What happened? Sahir: Why do you look upset? Zo: Sahir! Kanasu! I'm feeling very bad. I've lost Grandma's money. I can't find it in my pockets. Sahir: Oh no! Maybe you dropped it on the way. Don't worry, we'll look for it. Zo: What if we don't find it? She worked so hard for this. I should have been careful. Kanasu: Sometimes these things happen, Zo. You didn't know there was a hole in your pocket. Zo: I should have checked the pocket before I put the money in. Grandma told me to be careful. Kanasu: Yes, but mistakes happen, Zo. To all of us. Sahir: Listen, don't worry. You can work in the evenings and make up that money for your Grandma. Zo: Oh, that's an idea, Sahir. I will do that. Kanasu: And we will also help you earn that money. Zo: Thank you, Kanasu. Kanasu: For now we'll look for it on this road. You go home and search for it. Zo: Okay, thank you. (sound of cycling, gate opens) Grandma: Zo. That was quick. Have you been able to deposit the money? Zo: Grandma. (apologetically) I'm so sorry. I've lost the money. I don't know where I dropped it. Grandma: Oh no! My savings are gone! Zo: I'm so sorry Grandma. Grandma (angrily): Zo! You should have been more careful! (in despair) Oh, now what are we going to do! Zo: I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you. I'll do odd jobs and I'll earn all the money back. (gate opens) Kanasu: We didn't find it, Zo. but Sahir said he will walk down the road and check once more. Zo: This is terrible, Kanasu. Kanasu: Yes. I know how you feel. Aunty must be upset. Grandma: Yes, I am. But never mind Zo. There is no point in talking about it. You must remember to be more careful. Zo: I will be more careful , Grandma. Grandma: Think of it like this. It's only money. We can earn it again. It could have been something more serious. [Then Sahir rushes in - gate sounds] Sahir (panting): Zo! Zo! Kanasu, I found it! Zo: Where?! Where was it? Sahir: It was near the gate. It must have fallen when you were closing the gate. Zo: Check - see if all of it is there. Sahir: I did. The notes are tightly rolled with a rubber band around it. Zo: I'm glad you always do that, Grandma. That's why the notes did not fly away in the breeze. Kanasu: That was lucky, Zo. Grandma: Yes, Zo. We have been lucky. Now check all the pockets in all your pants. And darn the holes in them.