Zo? Is that you? Yes, Grandma... Did you buy everything we need? Yes, I think so. Let’s begin cooking then. What are we cooking today? May I help? Dal and vegetables. Could you pass me the knife, please? Thank you, dear. You know, I spoke to Kanasu's uncle while I was at the shop. He told me how the canal will take away some of his land. I think that he may have to stop growing vegetables. Oh! Many years ago your father worked on another dam project with the PWD. He knows how a dam affects a village. I would love to know more. What are the advantages to the village? What happens to people who lose their land? I am curious! Hmmm... A canal is built to channel water to the dam. Dams generate electricity. That is great! An entire village will have power. But sometimes, that is not how it works. Most of the electricity is supplied to the big cities. Villages often remain in the dark. That is so unfair! Yes, indeed! There are two sides to every story. So, that is how you must decide? By listening to all sides of a story? Look at an event or an object from all angles? That's right. And you need not decide or judge. You may let it be. Oh! The dal has come to a boil. Would you set the plates and bowls, please? Sure, Grandma.