StoryTime: Keep it up!


Plot: The science fair has taken place. It is announced at the prize giving ceremony that Kanasu is the winner. The teacher congratulates her. She goes to the stage and makes a formal thank you speech. After this she is congratulated by Zo and Sahir. She also has a conversation with her mother who is proud of her achievement. 

Setting: It is the school grounds. A stage is set up. Students and parents are in the audience sitting on plastic chairs. There is a dais. Three or four people are sitting there, with one person who looks like a chief guest. Mr. Fela is speaking on the mic. 

(sound of applause dying down)

Sahir: Mary’s going to win the scholarship. 

Kanasu: I think Kalpana has a better chance. 

Zo: Shhhhhhh! Kanasu! The prize distribution has started!

Fela Sir (mic echo): And now finally, here are the winners of the Science fair. 

Students (collectively): Yayyyyyyy! 

Fela Sir (mic echo): In student research projects, Sahir wins the  prize  for his experiment on 
growing vegetables with less water.

Students: (collectively): Sahirrr! 


Fela Sir: And now for the class prizes. I’ll begin with class 7. Mary wins the prize for her model 
of the volcano. 

Students (collectively): Mary! Mary! Mary!  

Fela Sir (mic echo): In class 8, Semu wins the  prize for his working model of a rocket.

Students: (collectively): Semuuuuuuuuuu! 


Fela Sir (mic echo): And in class 9, Kanasu wins the prize for her model of the irrigation system. She also wins a scholarship to go for a Science Camp and study in Badapur! 

(applause gets higher - students cheer even louder) 

Zo: Kanasu! That’s amazing! 

Sahir: Oh wow! Congrats!

Kanasu: I can’t believe I’m going to Badapur! 

Zo: Rush to the stage. Kanasu!

Fela Sir (mic echo): Kanasu, your model of the irrigation system was superb. Congratulations on a job well done! Your hard work has paid off. Would you like to say a few words?

Kanasu: This is unbelievable! Thank you so much. But, I couldn’t have done this without Sahir and Zo, and without the support of my family. And you, Fela Sir, your guidance has been valuable. 

Sahir/Zo: Three cheers to Kanasu! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! 

Fela Sir: Congratulations to all the winners! This brings us to the end of the Science fair. Thank you all for making this a success. With your effort, boys and girls, this has been a great learning for all of us. 

(applause) (murmur of people) 

Kanasu’s mother: Well done, Kanasu, your passion for physics has been rewarded! 

Kanasu: Thank you, ma. See, now you know why I spend so much time on it! 

Kanasu’s mother: Ha ha, yes, I can finally see now! Invite your friends home for a small celebration. I’ve got a surprise for you at home.

Kanasu: What’s the surprise?

Kanasu’s mother: You will see!

Kanasu: Oh! Thank you ma! I’ll see you soon. (loudly) Zo! Sahir! Let’s go to class and get our bags. Come home with me, we’ll celebrate! 

Zo: Let’s go!   

(sound of footsteps - they walk to the school corridor)

(Principal appears)

Zo, Kanasu, Sahir: Good evening, Ma’am.

Principal: Kanasu, congratulations on winning the trophy. Well done! I wish you luck for your 
stay at Badapur. 

Kanasu: Thank you Ma’am. It is so nice of you. 

Principal: You are welcome. Alright, go on, the three of you.


Zo: I wish I had won a scholarship too. I could have gone to Badapur to meet my parents and 

Kanasu:  The scholarship was only for girls, Zo. But, we did this together as a team! It is our 
trophy! You helped with building the model, and Sahir helped by coming every day with me to 
the field. 

Sahir: She’s right, Zo.

Kanasu: Why don’t you visit me in Badapur?

Zo: Oh yes! I’ll ask my father tonight!  

Sahir: Hmm...maybe, my father will let me go with you?  

Kanasu: That’s a brilliant idea! We can all go to Badapur next month!