Setting: Students stand and chat noisily in their common-room-cum-lab, as they wait for their teacher to arrive.The lab has one computer on the table, two almirahs of books and a few basic science instruments. There are about 25 students sitting on large tables - around 4 to a table facing the head of the class which as a blackboard and a table and chair for the teacher.

Sahir and Zo join the girls at one table. The girls are sitting at a table in front.

Zo (excitedly): Hey! Have you seen the new science teacher?

Kanasu: I haven’t seen him yet. What does he look like?

Zo: I think I walked past him in the corridor. He is kind of tall and thin… he looks quite young. 
Maybe, that’s because he doesn’t have a moustache.

Kanasu: I wonder if he will be strict.

Zo: He looks kind. But who knows?

Kanasu: Shhhhh. Is that him, Zo?

Zo: Yes.

(The teacher walks in)

Teacher: Good morning class!

Students:Good morning Sir!

Teacher: My name is Fela, and I am your new science teacher.

Kanasu:Sir, you look too young to be a teacher.

Sahir and Zo (in a shocked voice): Kanasu!!!

Kanasu (abashed, and sounding embarrassed): Sorry sir! I didn’t mean to be rude.'s 
just that I thought teachers are always older.

Fela (laughing): That's okay. People don’t always look the way we expect them to.

Zo: What do you mean, sir?

Teacher: Well, a person may have a grumpy face, but he or she may actually be a happy  person. Or, someone may look well-built and stern, but may be quite gentle.

Teacher: Okay, let’s start with some introductions. Tell me your name first and then tell me 
something about yourself. You are Zo, right? I’ve heard you are clever at fixing things.

Zo: Err… yes, sir.

Kanasu: He is also very friendly and helpful.

Zo: Thanks, Kanasu.

Fela: And you? What’s your name?

Kanasu: I am Kanasu. I am very hard-working.

Sahir: Yes, that’s true. She is extremely intelligent. She is also very talkative!

Kanasu: Oy! That’s not fair.

Fela: But she looks very quiet.

(Noise of class laughing)

Fela: What’s your name, young man.

Sahir: I am Sahir. I am a nature lover.

Zo: He is a shy person.

Kanasu: No, I don’t think he is shy. But he is soft-spoken and always very polite.

Fela: Okay, now. Let’s get down to work. Today we are going to do an interesting experiment.

(The voices fade away. In the school corridor Kanasu, Sahir and Zo are walking. They have just come out of the class.)

Zo: Did you like Fela Sir?

Sahir: Yes, I did. He is a good teacher.

Kanasu: He was so patient with all our questions.

Sahir: Yes. Earlier, I used to think I was stupid when I did not understand something. But he 
answered as if I had asked a very good question.

Kanasu: I think he is very understanding. That’s why he doesn’t get angry when we ask questions.

Sahir: Even when we made some noise, he was not rude.

Zo: And he is so well-dressed. I like his style.

Kanasu: I am looking forward to the next science class now.

Zo and Sahir: Me too.