Toto loved animals. He worked in a zoo.
One day he saw Gogo, the gorilla's cage was empty.
Toto was shocked. He set off to find him.
Gogo must have run towards the jungle, thought Toto.
He looked behind every bush and tree.
The animals in the forest watched Toto.
But Toto could not find Gogo anywhere.
Toto whipped out his field glasses. 
He scanned the area across the river.
Was Gogo on the other side?
Gogo was not to be found. 
Toto took a deep breath and dived into the river.
What if Gogo was holding his breath and hiding under water?
Moti, the dog took pity on him.
He barked and looked towards the store nearby.
Ah! Toto finally had a lead.
Toto flung open the door of  the store.
There was Gogo, happily munching on bananas. What a big mess Gogo had made!
Toto just stared at him, not able to say a word.
Dear Reader,
Would you like to work in a zoo?
What would be the most fun to do, in a zoo?
How many bananas can a gorilla eat in one sitting?
How many bananas do you eat?