This survey should be done after completion of ALL the CLIx modules for all the subjects
You should fill up the survey by yourself, without any help from your classmates.
For each sentence, you should indicate how much you agree or disagree with it. Select the option based on what is applicable to you.
Some statements contain two parts. You should decide if you agree with both parts of the statement. You must agree strongly with both parts of the statement to mark a 5. But if you disagree strongly with only one part of the statement or the entire sentence, mark a 1.
There are no right or wrong answers, and your responses will not be seen by anyone from the school.
Please start the survey now and save your answers as you proceed.
Confirm Finish Lesson: STUDENT SURVEY?
You will NOT be allowed to attempt Question again.
This survey should be done after completion of ALL the CLIx modules for all the subjects
You should fill up the survey by yourself, without any help from your classmates.
For each sentence, you should indicate how much you agree or disagree with it. Select the option based on what is applicable to you.
Some statements contain two parts. You should decide if you agree with both parts of the statement. You must agree strongly with both parts of the statement to mark a 5. But if you disagree strongly with only one part of the statement or the entire sentence, mark a 1.
There are no right or wrong answers, and your responses will not be seen by anyone from the school.
Please start the survey now and save your answers as you proceed.