clix - Lesson 14. Half Child, Half Adult (Part - 2)
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3/18/2025, 10:21:37 AM
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Discuss these questions with your friends

  • What are the emotions the boy is feeling?

  • Do friends become more important during adolescence? Why?

  • Do children sometimes feel pressurized to do things in order to fit in?

  • Can things be said to friends that cannot be said to parents?

  • Have you ever felt like the boy in the letter?

  • What do you think he should do in this situation?


Suggested advice: It is not easy to behave differently from one’s friends. But when you feel strongly about something you must not give in, especially when it comes to your health. Smoking, drinking and taking drugs are extremely harmful and you are right to say ‘no’ to them. At some point you will be admired for the stand you take and it will help other youngsters faced with the same problem.

[Contributed by on 11. April 2018 22:41:20]


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