clix - Lesson 11. How to Control Your Anger
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What makes you angry ?

It is very likely that you know what upsets you; even if you don’t, you can observe yourself in different situations and learn this about yourself. Then you will be able to avoid those situations or at least be able to put up with them without losing your temper. In other words, you will be better prepared to deal with conflicts.


It is also important to accept that there are some things that you just cannot change and so you have to learn to live with them. Finally you have to recognise that you too can be the cause of someone’s anger or unhappiness or that people might find it difficult to tolerate some of your behaviour. Such self-knowledge will help you to behave in a mature way and also to avoid stress.


Conflicts are part of everyone's life. Many of us respond to everyday conflicts with force or aggression. Such responses do not help in any way to resolve the conflict. We therefore need to look for other ways to deal with conflict. If we try we can find better ways that will actually address the conflict situation and not cause further damage.


When faced with difficult situations or involved in a conflict for which there is no easy solution, many of us experience emotions such as anger, frustration and hurt. These emotions often find expression in violent ways. However, such responses seldom help to resolve the conflict; in fact they can worsen the situation. We therefore need to find ways of dealing with these emotions. There are several practical and effective methods which, if we try hard enough and long enough, will help us manage our anger better.

[Contributed by on 11. April 2018 20:11:39]


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