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clix - CLIx Platform Help
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Introduction Adding Buddy Exploring Platform Exploring Units
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Welcome to Student FAQs

In this page you can find all the help information as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) needed for you about how to use the CLIx Platform (https://clixserver.tiss.edu)

Please read all the below information.
1. Welcome page
2. How to login
3. Edit Profile: Add your details
4. Add your Buddy
5. Who is a Buddy?
6. How to add a Buddy?
7. What is My Desk?
8. What is My Courses?
9. What is My Progress?
10. What is Explore?
11. How is the CLIx Learning Tree structured?
12. What is a CLIx Module?
13. What is a CLIx Unit?
14. What is a CLIx Lesson?
15.What is the eye symbol?
16. What is a CLIx Activity?
17. What should I do after reading a page?
18. What are Resources?
19. What is e-Notes?
20. What is Gallery?
21. How to upload files on the gallery?
22. What is Progress Report?
23. How to save a copy of my progress report in my computer?
24. How to check progress report of my Buddy?
25. What are Interactions?
26. How can I score points on the CLIx Platform?
27. How to check my score in a unit?
28. How to edit my profile?
29. What is School's Workspace?
30. What is Apps?
31. How to use Apps in different languages?
1. Welcome page
When you type clixserver.tiss.edu in your browser you will land on this page.
2. How to login
You should first get a login id and password from your teacher.
3. Edit Profile: Add your details

4. Add your Buddy


  • A Buddy is another student who shares the computer with one or more other buddies during CLIx class.
  • Buddies learn together.
  • Buddies help each other and work with each other during a CLIx class.
  • Buddies can be added or removed during a CLIx session as per the teacher’s guidance.



1. Click on the '+' button on the Right Hand Side (RHS) blue bar.
2. Select the buddy by choosing the name and colour
3. Click on 'Add' button after selecting the buddy, the buddy will be added.

All the buddies learn together and hence get equal number of points :)

  • My Desk is the place where students start after logging in to CLIx platform.
  • In My Desk, My Courses and My Progress are displayed.

For more, read My Courses and My Progress.


My Courses displays all the in-progress and completed CLIx units of a learner.



My Progress shows the following details about a learner's work on the CLIx platform:
1. Progress of all the in-progress and completed units 
2. Lessons
3. Assessments 
4. File uploads 
5. Interactions
6. e-Notes
7. Total points earned

That is, My Progress is an aggregated summary of how an individual student is progressing in the CLIx learning journey.

For more, read What is Progress Report.




  • Explore is the main section of CLIx Platform.
  • Here you will find ALL the Modules and Units under Courses sub-section. You will also find School's Workspace under Workspace sub-section.
  • For more, please read What is a CLIx Module? and What is a CLIx Unit.



  • CLIx curriculum is structured as:

Modules -> Units -> Lessons -> Activities.

  • Modules contain units; Units contain lessons; Lessons contain activities, and; Activities contain text, images, audios, videos, tools, games and assessments.


A CLIx Module is a set of related CLIx Units.



  • CLIx Unit  is a course where students can learn and do many things.
  • Each CLIx Unit has many Lessons. 



  • Many CLIx Lessons together make up a CLIx Unit.
  • A Lesson is made up of many Activities.
  • Each lesson is designed to be completed in one session.




  • A CLIx Activity is what a student can "do" on the CLIx platform.
  • A student will be able to do different types of activities such as read text, watch a video, listen to a story, work on a quiz, write a note, take part in a discussion, play a game ...
  • An activity can be in the form of text, video, image, audio, assessment, quiz or a combination of these.



  1. Navigation helps to move from one activity to other and one lesson to other. Please follow the process mentioned below for smooth and easy navigating.
  2. Next” button can be used to move from one activity to other in a lesson.

  3. Click on “Next” after reading an activity.

  4. After finishing all the activities in a lesson, click on “Next Lesson” to directly jump to the lesson.

Resources are files such as images, audios and videos that will be readily available for students to complete activities.
Students can download these resources and make use of them to  complete activities during the CLIx sessions.



In the e-Notes section teachers and students can write notes, see others’ notes  and discuss with each other by Feedback button and give ratings.


Gallery allows students to upload files such as images, audios, videos and documents.
For more, read How to upload on gallery.




Gallery allows file upload in an organized way. In order to upload files, first a folder needs to be created. Within the folder files can added as below:

1.   Go to gallery.

2.   Click on the Add button.

3.   Enter the name of folder and briefly describe what kind of files this folder will contain.

4.   Add tags if any (for more details on tags see what is a tag?)

5.   Save the folder.

6.   Once the page is refreshed and folder is generated, click on the folder.

7.   Click on the Add File button.

8.   Enter file name.

9.   Enter description (if any).

10.  Choose a file by pressing on ‘Select File’

11.  Click on ‘Upload’ button, the file will be saved.

12.  You can add alternate files using the Link Related File.


Progress Report refers to the CLIx unit level performance of  a student that include:
lesson progress, assessments, file uploads, interactions, note making and total points earned.



Progress report can be saved in your computer. Once the progress report of a desired unit is opened, click on “Download” which is available in the top left corner of progress report.


Progress report of my buddy can be checked in the following ways

Method 1:

  1. Go to the unit of which the score needs to be checked.

  2. Click on the buddy and progress report will open as an overlay.


Method 2:

  1. Login with buddy name and password.

  2. Go to the unit of which the score needs to be checked

  3. “Progress” tab is available next to “e-Notes” in the same level as “Lessons”.

  4. Click on “Progress” to know your progress in the unit.




Method 3:

  1. Login with buddy name and password.

  2. Go to “My Performance” under “My Desk”.

  3. “My Performance” lists the units a student is working on.

  4. Click on “View” which open progress report as a overlay.

Read more on “how to save a copy of my progress report?”




Interactions are the replies you get on your notebook posts and the replies you post on others notebook.


Points are given for your learning progress. Below are some of the ways in which you can gain more and more points:

1.   Enrol into a unit

2.   Complete all the lessons and activities

3.   Take assessments & quiz

4.   Make notes

5.   Discuss on the notes created by other students

6.   Upload files in the gallery

7.   Make use of Resources

8.   If others give you ratings (stars)

  1. Progress of a unit can be checked in a unit space.

  2. “Progress” tab is available next to “e-Notes” in the same level as “Lessons”.

  3. Click on “Progress” to know your progress in the unit.

  4. Login to check your progress.


Your original name and details such as roll number, class and school can be updated now on CLIx platform.

  1. To update your details, follow the following procedure
  2. Click on “My Desk”.

  3. Click on “Edit My Profile” which is next to your CLIx username.

  4. Fill all the blanks in the form and click on “save”.
29. What is School's Workspace?
  • In school's workspace all the students and teachers in your school can collaboratively work to create interesting learning content.
  • You can create,
    • activity pages and lessons,
    • write e-Notes,
    • upload and share files such as images, audios, videos, Turtle projects, GeoGebra projects, PhET simulations, CLIx Apps.
    • You can take help from other CLIx modules under Explore section.
30. What is Apps?

Apps are interactive learning games. Yes, you can learn through games :) So, go to Apps section and enjoy learning while playing!

Apps can be accessed in the language you prefer to use. Presently, most of the apps are available in English, Hindi and Telugu.

  1. Click on “Apps” in the top header.

  2. A list of apps available as part of CLIx can be seen in this page.

  3. Click on an app you would like to play.

  4. Suppose you want to play “Food Sharing Tool” in “Hindi”.

  5. Search for “Food Sharing Tool”  in the list and click on it which will open in a separate tab.

  6. Three links can be seen which are en, hi, te.

  7. Amongst these, “en” refers to English, “hi” refers to Hindi and “te” refers to Telugu

  8. Click on “hi” which will list all the apps available under Food sharing tool lesson wise.

  9. Click on the app you would like to play from the list and the app will be loaded in the same page.


Last Updated on: May, 2018.


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