Here you will listen to two friends discussing the good and bad points about learning from computers.
You can listen to this and use some points to discuss good and bad points of using mobile phones.
Let's Talk: Option 1
Listen to the model conversation below.
Discuss with your partner,choose a role and create a dialogue for the chosen option.
You can also use the words and phrases from the word cloud on your screen to create your dialogue.
After you have practised,click 'Record'.
Remember, you have 100 seconds to record.
If you want to hear your recording, click on the button.
If you are happy with your recording, click on 'Save File'.
Option 1
What is good about television? What is bad about television?
Student A:
What good/positive things can you say about television? Student B:
What negative things/bad things can you say about television?
Click on button in the audio player below and listen to the model conversation.
Model Conversation 01
Word Cloud
Let's Talk: Option 2
Listen to the model conversation below.
Discuss with your partner,choose a role and create a dialogue for the chosen option.
You can also use the words and phrases from the word cloud on your screen to create your dialogue.
After you have practised,click 'Record'.
Remember, you have 100 seconds to record.
If you want to hear your recording, click on the button.
If you are happy with your recording, click on 'Save File'.
Option 2
You meet a famous cricketer for the first time. Ask him/her a few questions.
Let's Talk: Good and bad sides
Have you ever been in the situation where it is difficult for you to decide if something is good or bad?
Option 1
What is good about television?
What is bad about television?
Option 2
Here you will listen to two friends discussing the good and bad points about learning from computers.
You can listen to this and use some points to discuss good and bad points of using mobile phones.
Let's Talk: Option 1
Option 1
What is good about television? What is bad about television?
Student A:
What good/positive things can you say about television?
Student B:
What negative things/bad things can you say about television?
Model Conversation 01
Let's Talk: Option 2
Option 2
You meet a famous cricketer for the first time. Ask him/her a few questions.
Model Conversation 02