The CLIx Proportional Reasoning module has been conceptualized and developed by Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) Mathematics team, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. It was a collaborative work that resulted in the modules and its various units, lessons and activities. We have also used open educational resources (OERs) from many different sources.
This page tells you who created the lessons and activities, and where the resources came from.
Arindam Bose
Bindu Thirumalai
Ruchi S. Kumar
Suchismita Srinivas
Production team:
Dhammaratna Jawale
Jaya Mahale
Jayashree Anand
Sheetal Suresh
Amrit Upadhyay
Dilip Tanwar
Dr. K. Sharma
Dr. Srinivas Chennuri
Hari Mishra
Jitender Kumar
Pramod Pathak
Praveen Allamsetti
Raju Sambari
Ravi Kant
Special Thanks:
To the students and teachers of all the schools where we piloted our modules.
Citation1 Module:
Proportional Reasoning. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
CLIx Mathematics, TISS (2018). Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Rights Information
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. CC-BY-4.0 license.
Literature references:
Duckworth, E. (2012). TEDxPioneerValley - Eleanor Duckworth - ‘When Teachers Listen and Learners Explain’. Retrieved on 30 August 2016, from
National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Lamon, S. J. (1993). Ratio and proportion: Connecting content and children's thinking. Journal for research in mathematics education, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 41-61.
Lamon, S. J. (2007). Rational numbers and proportional reasoning: Toward a theoretical framework for research. Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning, 1, 629-667.
Lamon, S. J. (2012). Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding: Essential content knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. Routledge.
Naik, S., & Subramaniam, K. (2008). Integrating the measure and quotient interpretation of fractions. In International group of the psychology of mathematics education: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME (Vol. 32, pp. 17-24).
Noelting, G. (1980). The development of proportional reasoning and the ratio concept Part I—Differentiation of stages. Educational studies in Mathematics, 11(2), 217-253.
Subramaniam, K. (2013). Research on the learning of fractions and multiplicative reasoning: A review. The epiSTEME reviews: Research trends in science, technology and mathematics education, 4.
Unit 1
Images: Pre-Assessment
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Pre-Assessment. Question 6
"Butterfly" [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Images: Tangram Activity
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Tangram Activity. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Jamuni Learns to Share
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Jamuni Learns to Share. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Help!
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Help video on part-whole meaning of fraction. Fair Sharing Among Friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Screenshot capture and upload help
Rahaman, J., Thakur, S., & Wakade, A. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018)., Screenshot capture and upload help video. Fair Sharing Among Friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing among friends - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing among friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing among friends - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing among friends - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing: Equal Groups
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing: Equal Groups. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing: Unequal Groups
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing: Unequal Groups. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Let's Compare and Distribute
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Let's Compare and Distribute. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Is This Distribution Fair? - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Is This Distribution Fair? - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Is This Distribution Fair? - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Is This Distribution Fair? - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Make the Share Equal Across Groups
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Make the Share Equal Across Groups Images. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share -I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - III
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share - III. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Let’s Solve. Question 4
“Dog” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
“Goat” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
“Cow” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Unit 2
Image: Which Tea is Sweeter?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which Tea is Sweeter?. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images adapted from: Duckworth, E. (2012). TEDxPioneerValley - Eleanor Duckworth - ‘When Teachers Listen and Learners Explain’. Retrieved on 30 August 2016, from
Image: Make Equally Sweet Tea
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Make Equally Sweet Tea. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Make Four Cups of Tea
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Make Four Cups of Tea. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Which Tea is Less Sweet?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which Tea is Less Sweet?. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Jamuni Solves Puzzles
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Jamuni Solves Puzzles Images. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Help Video for Pattern Tool (Scaling factor)
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Scale Up 3X3 Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Up 3X3 Pattern
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Up 3X3 Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - I
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - II
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Down Pattern
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Down Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - III
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - III. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Down Pattern - II
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Down Pattern - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: The Egg Trays
“Egg Tray” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Chocolate Pieces
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Chocolate Pieces. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Which is a Better Buy?
“Orange Juice Can” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Which is More Squarish?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which is More Squarish? India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images adapted from: Lamon, S. J. (2012). Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding: Essential content knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. Routledge.
Image: Make a Poster
“Abdul Kalam” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Images: Let's Solve, Questions 1-4
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Snake" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Image: Let’s Solve. Question 5
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
“Bus” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Let's Solve, Question 6
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Pine tree and tower" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from and
Image: Let's Solve, Question 7
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Leaf and stomata" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from and
Unit 3
Image: Find the Real Distance
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Find the Real Distance. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Measure with Paper Strips
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Measure with Paper Strips. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactives: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice Tool: How many Ice Cubes?
Mest, A., (Developer). (2017). How many Ice Cubes? India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactives: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice Tool: Bigger Size v/s More Number
Mest, A., (Developer). (2017). Bigger Size v/s More Number. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Let’s Solve. Question 1-3
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Image: Let’s Solve. Question 7
“Bottles” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Unit 4
Images: Let’s Solve
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Images: Post Assessment. Question 4
“Mountain” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
1 Citations of CLIx team members’ contributions are given in alphabetical order.
[Contributed by administrator on 11. November 2024 03:33:23]
Citation | Credits | Rights Information
The CLIx Proportional Reasoning module has been conceptualized and developed by Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) Mathematics team, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. It was a collaborative work that resulted in the modules and its various units, lessons and activities. We have also used open educational resources (OERs) from many different sources.
This page tells you who created the lessons and activities, and where the resources came from.
CLIx Mathematics team:
Amit Dhakulkar
Arati Bapat
Arindam Bose
Bindu Thirumalai
Jayashree Subramanian
Jeenath Rahaman
Ruchi S. Kumar
Saurabh Khanna
Saurabh Thakur
Sayali Chougale
Suchismita Srinivas
Sumegh Paltiwale
Vijay Wani
Shweta Naik (Consultant)
Academic mentors:
Aaloka Kanhare
K. Subramaniam
Academic support:
Archana Correa
Arnab Kumar Ray
Jaya Mahale
Jayashree Anand
Samir Dhurde
Shikha Takker
Tuba Khan
Arindam Bose
Bindu Thirumalai
Ruchi S. Kumar
Suchismita Srinivas
Production team:
Dhammaratna Jawale
Jaya Mahale
Jayashree Anand
Sheetal Suresh
Amrit Upadhyay
Dilip Tanwar
Dr. K. Sharma
Dr. Srinivas Chennuri
Hari Mishra
Jitender Kumar
Pramod Pathak
Praveen Allamsetti
Raju Sambari
Ravi Kant
Copy editors:
Aparna Tulpule
Venkatnarayanan Ganapathi
Video development support:
Ashirwad Wakade
Gitanjali Somanathan
Manoj Bhandare
Shiva Thorat
Software Development:
Ashwin Nag
Tata Interactive Services
Platform Development:
Brandon Muramatsu
Cole Shaw
Harshit Agarwal
Jeff Merriman
Kathleen McMahon
Kedar Aitawdekar
Keerthi K.R.D
Kirky DeLong
Mrunal Nachankar
Nagarjuna G.
Padmini Sampath
Prachi Bhatia
Rachana Katkam
Ramjee Swaminathan
Sadaqat Mulla
Satej Shende
Sumegh Paltiwale
Saurabh Bharswadkar
Tool Development:
Ashwin Nagappa
Kedar Aitawdekar
Mrunal Nachankar
Prachi Bhatia
Rachana Katkam
Sadaqat Mulla
Saurabh Bharswadkar
Tanvi Domadia
Tejas Shah
Voice over:
Jeenath Rahaman
Saurabh Thakur
Platform Design:
Aditya Dipankar
Authoring support:
Roshan Gajbhiye
Chetan Kamble
Lakhinder Soren
Ashirwad Wakade
Raju Sambari
Saurabh Thakur
Sumegh Paltiwale
Vijay Wani
Publication Team:
Rachna Ramesh Kumar
Sunita Badrin arayan
Usha Iyengar
Cover design and formatting:
Ramesh Khade
Special Thanks:
To the students and teachers of all the schools where we piloted our modules.
Proportional Reasoning. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
CLIx Mathematics, TISS (2018). Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Rights Information
Proportional Reasoning Unit 01 Lesson 01 Activity 01. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. CC-BY-4.0 license.
Literature references:
Duckworth, E. (2012). TEDxPioneerValley - Eleanor Duckworth - ‘When Teachers Listen and Learners Explain’. Retrieved on 30 August 2016, from
National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Lamon, S. J. (1993). Ratio and proportion: Connecting content and children's thinking. Journal for research in mathematics education, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 41-61.
Lamon, S. J. (2007). Rational numbers and proportional reasoning: Toward a theoretical framework for research. Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning, 1, 629-667.
Lamon, S. J. (2012). Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding: Essential content knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. Routledge.
Naik, S., & Subramaniam, K. (2008). Integrating the measure and quotient interpretation of fractions. In International group of the psychology of mathematics education: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME (Vol. 32, pp. 17-24).
Noelting, G. (1980). The development of proportional reasoning and the ratio concept Part I—Differentiation of stages. Educational studies in Mathematics, 11(2), 217-253.
Subramaniam, K. (2013). Research on the learning of fractions and multiplicative reasoning: A review. The epiSTEME reviews: Research trends in science, technology and mathematics education, 4.
Unit 1
Images: Pre-Assessment
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Pre-Assessment. Question 6
"Butterfly" [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Images: Tangram Activity
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Tangram Activity. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Jamuni Learns to Share
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Jamuni Learns to Share. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Help!
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Help video on part-whole meaning of fraction. Fair Sharing Among Friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Screenshot capture and upload help
Rahaman, J., Thakur, S., & Wakade, A. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018)., Screenshot capture and upload help video. Fair Sharing Among Friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing among friends - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing among friends - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing among friends - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing among friends - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing: Equal Groups
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing: Equal Groups. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Fair Sharing: Unequal Groups
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Fair Sharing: Unequal Groups. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Let's Compare and Distribute
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Let's Compare and Distribute. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Compare and Share: Unequal Groups - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Is This Distribution Fair? - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Is This Distribution Fair? - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Is This Distribution Fair? - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Is This Distribution Fair? - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Make the Share Equal Across Groups
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Make the Share Equal Across Groups Images. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - I
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share -I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - II
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Food Sharing Tool - Observe, Compare and Share - III
Domadia, T. (Developer). (2017). Observe, Compare and Share - III. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Let’s Solve. Question 4
“Dog” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
“Goat” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
“Cow” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Unit 2
Image: Which Tea is Sweeter?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which Tea is Sweeter?. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images adapted from: Duckworth, E. (2012). TEDxPioneerValley - Eleanor Duckworth - ‘When Teachers Listen and Learners Explain’. Retrieved on 30 August 2016, from
Image: Make Equally Sweet Tea
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Make Equally Sweet Tea. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Make Four Cups of Tea
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Make Four Cups of Tea. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Which Tea is Less Sweet?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which Tea is Less Sweet?. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Jamuni Solves Puzzles
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Jamuni Solves Puzzles Images. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Video: Help Video for Pattern Tool (Scaling factor)
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Scale Up 3X3 Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Up 3X3 Pattern
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Up 3X3 Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - I
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - I. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - II
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Down Pattern
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Down Pattern. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Create Grid and Scale up - III
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Create Grid and Scale up - III. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactive: Pattern Tool - Scale Down Pattern - II
Shah, T. (Developer). (2017). Scale Down Pattern - II. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: The Egg Trays
“Egg Tray” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Chocolate Pieces
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Chocolate Pieces. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Which is a Better Buy?
“Orange Juice Can” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Which is More Squarish?
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Creators & Authors). (2017). Which is More Squarish? India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images adapted from: Lamon, S. J. (2012). Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding: Essential content knowledge and instructional strategies for teachers. Routledge.
Image: Make a Poster
“Abdul Kalam” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Images: Let's Solve, Questions 1-4
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Snake" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Image: Let’s Solve. Question 5
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
“Bus” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Image: Let's Solve, Question 6
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Pine tree and tower" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from and
Image: Let's Solve, Question 7
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
"Leaf and stomata" [image]. Retrieved on 06 August 2019 from and
Unit 3
Image: Find the Real Distance
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Find the Real Distance. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Image: Measure with Paper Strips
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Measure with Paper Strips. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Story: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2017). Story: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactives: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice Tool: How many Ice Cubes?
Mest, A., (Developer). (2017). How many Ice Cubes? India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Interactives: Ice Cubes in Lemon Juice Tool: Bigger Size v/s More Number
Mest, A., (Developer). (2017). Bigger Size v/s More Number. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Images: Let’s Solve. Question 1-3
Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Image: Let’s Solve. Question 7
“Bottles” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
Unit 4
Images: Let’s Solve
Bapat, A., Bose, A., Khanna, S., Kumar, R., Rahaman, J., Srinivas, S., Paltiwale, S., & Thakur, S. (Ideators, Creators & Authors). (2018). Let’s Solve. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Adapted from: National Council of Educational Research and Training [NCERT]. (2010). Exemplar Problems from Class 6 to 12. Retrieved from
Images: Post Assessment. Question 4
“Mountain” [image]. Retrieved on 20 June 2019 from
1 Citations of CLIx team members’ contributions are given in alphabetical order.