All Groups (114) oer-le-unit4-finding-postal-charges Linear Equations Unit 4: Finding Postal Charges In this unit, we will ... ast-unit2-moon In this unit we will take a closer look to the Moon and explain various ... oer-sound We know that sound exists because we hear different sounds around us all... oer-ee-unit2-english-elementary The story-based lessons in this unit provide further practice in listeni... The Solar System The Basic Astronomy Module exposes students to the model of the solar sy... Effect of Weight on the Length of Rubber Band Linear Equations Unit 4: Finding postal charges oer-pr-unit3-ratios-proportions This unit introduces students to the mathematical notations of ratios an... Sound Notion of sound is prevalent around us, so to laid foundation of sound i... help_old Help documents will be organized here. pre-clix-survey This survey should be done before roll out of any of the CLIx modules. Health and Disease Health and Disease through scientific lens! pr-unit1-additive-to-multiplicative-thinking This unit makes learners to do multiplicative reasoning by further build... Help Topics_17062017 This Help section details the features and Frequently Asked Qu... help clix help This is CLIx Platform's Help Corner. Here, all the information about pla... General Survey This survey should be done before roll out of any of the CLIx modules. PR Unit 5 Proportional Reasoning Unit 5: Post Assessment oer-ecosystem Introduction to basic concepts of Ecology and Ecosystem test-can be deleted Post-survey This survey should be done after completion of ALL the CLIx modules for ... GRUnit5 Geometric Reasoning Part II Unit 5: Understanding the Need for Proof maths oer-ast-unit3-solar-system In this unit we will study the Solar system (Lessons 1 & 2). Lesson ... i2C Invitation 2 Clix - English Ver 1.0 oer-health-and-disease Health and Disease through scientific lens! ‹‹ previous 1 2 3 4 5 next ››