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Atom in Chemistry

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Credits and Citation

Citation| Contributions| Rights Information

Chemistry ,India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

CLIx Science Team
Anup Saxena
Deepak Verma
Support in Development 
Gagan Shukla 
Production Manager
Pallavi Seth
Illustrations and design
Tariq Khan

Videos development and support
Tariq Khan
Shivani Bajaj (Hindi)
Satyamadhavi Nanduri (Telugu) 
Special thanks and acknowledgement to, Bal Vigyanik Team at Eklavya (for lesson 1.3 and 1.4), Phet simulation development team at the university of colerado (for Simulation “build and atom”, “build a molecule”).

Rights Information:

Chemistry. India: CLIx, Tata Institute of Social Sciences. CC-BY-4.0 license.

Any questions, suggestions or queries may be sent to us at:


This document is released under Creative Commons by Share Alike 4.0 License.

CLIx/Eklavya Team
Version 2017-PE01


[Contributed by administrator on 10. Januar 2018 21:13:45]