I am finding unpredictable behaviour with respect to this feature.
Under Values stories, An assessment 'Jojo Afaki Part 1' was created. This 4 choice MCQ has 3 correct answers which should all be chosen- her looks, her popularity, her being good at sports. Feedback for both correct and incorrect responses were entered.
This assessment was embedded into the activity 'Jojo Afaki story'. On bringing up this story and attempting different combinations of answers, the feedback did not show most of the time. On a couple of occassions, feedback was shown. No consistent pattern of behaviour was observed.
<iframe src="https://clix-authoring.mit.edu/index.html?unlock_next=ON_CORRECT&bank=assessment.Bank%3A58bd8c9391d0d90b7debf223%40ODL.MIT.EDU&assessment_offered_id=assessment.AssessmentOffered%3A58d39ec691d0d97fe6656678%40ODL.MIT.EDU#/assessment"/>